Monday, October 31, 2011

Binary Options Trading Artwork, Updated Gallery

We have had much correspondence with our fans over the recent binary options trading artwork that one of our traders made during his time trading binary options, or at least in between the trades. And so, as part of an answer to the requests of our fans, we will further provide you with images made while trading binary options

Alternating gradients overlaid in a pyramid pattern, drawn while trading binary options
You can also find the image above at the following locations:

  1. Gradient alternation by binary trader on Flickr
  2. Alternating gradient drawn while binary trading on Fine Art America
  3. Pyramid of alternating gradients by binary options trader on Red Bubble
  4. Gradient Pyramid of binary trading on Photobucket
  5. Gradient alternations pyramid while binary options trading on Rossello Damiano
  6. Pyramid of alternating gradients on Art Creations Magazine
  7. Optical illusion of alternating pyramid on Devian Art
  8. Alternating pyramid of binary trading on Art Majeur
There are many more places on the web where binary trading art like this can be found, but if you don't find it on this list then you need help learning how to used a computer or at least google.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

An Abstract Expression of Binary Options

Let us not answer your question with words, but rather show you the answer with an image. A picture is worth 999 more than a word by some standards, so we figured that would be a worthwhile attempt by us to explain what a binary option is.
Abstract Art of a Binary Options Trader's Mind

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Which binary options pay the most?

When Binary Options Collide.
Once you have figured out the basics of trading binary options, the next item on your list is which one pays the most and has the least risk. There are several answers and they are all correct, you'll need to figure out which one is best for you depending on the graphs of that time.
High-Low Obvious - This form of binary option has a one directional leaning graph and has maintained its current slope for at least a few hours. With this type of option, where you can predict the future flow of the graph, is ideal for a high/low binary option trade.
One Touch Touching Soon - This is a binary option of the touch/no-touch kind that you can see is going to touch during the trading period. The longer the closing time the better on this one. You pick an asset that is a binary option that is very likely to touch the line on the graph, and then cash out the second it touches, not required to wait for the entire binary option to mature.

Try these two the next time you are trading and you'll be trading better in no time.