Monday, December 31, 2012

Binary options trading myths

Caveat Emptor: There is fact and fiction in finance
As a potential binary options trader, you should be aware of myths about binary options to know what is true and not true. 

One of the myths out there is that binary options don’t make you as much money as long term trading. This is false. 

The way in which binary options allows you to jump in and out of deals means far quicker and better opportunities are yours to be had than in long term investing without much reliance on time.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Investing in oil binary options for the Winter

Oh, Lordy, trouble so high ... Winter is good for oil prices high
If you’re looking for a sure call in terms of financial investing, look no further than oil trading in binary options for this season. 

With the oncoming extreme winter weather, remember that most houses are heated by oil. Because of this, any story about cold or extreme weather will raise the price of oil as demand increases to keep most houses warm. 

With that knowledge in mind, a binary options trader can make quite a huge return on investment during the winter season by trading in oil assets.